By training the next generation of leaders in otolaryngology at Washington University, our faculty are helping shape the future of excellence in patient care. But they don’t stop there.
They are also visiting professors at universities around the globe, frequently presenting their research to peers at influential forums, and providing surgical training to clinicians and trainees in countries like Peru, the United Arab Emirates and Ireland. Their positive impact on health and quality of life is worldwide.
In the last year alone, our faculty have taught more than 250 courses. Here are just a few highlights:
Pablo Blazquez, PhD
2019 Neuroscience Course (Bio 554): Lecture on Motor V – Cerebellum and Movement Coordination
Greg Branham, MD
PASE – Advanced Flaps & Aesthetic Facial Reconstruction Workshop
Craig Buchman, MD, PACS
Buchman CA and the Delphi Consensus Group. Developing International Consensus on the Use of Unilateral Cochlear Implants for Bilateral Severe, Profound, or Moderate Sloping to Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Adults. William House Cochlear Implant Study group, New Orleans, LA
Katherine Dunsky, MD
Case Discussion/Presentation- St. Louis Children’s Hospital Airway Trauma Conference
Nedim Durakovic, MD
Faculty, Combined ENT/Neurosurgery Lateral Skull Base Course
Joel Goebel, MD
Leicester Balance Course at DuMonfort University, UK
“This is the most special course I do. It started in 2000 when Jim Cook MD from Leicester University in the UK visited Wash U to see how to establish a balance center back in the UK. I helped him with the process and subsequent courses starting in 2001 and have continued to this year since 2004 with Professor Peter Rea as the Guest of Honor for the course. The Leicester Balance Center is now the premier multidisciplinary center for balance in the UK.”

Joel Goebel, MD, recently served as invited guest speaker for the 10th Emirates Otorhinolaryngology, Audiology and Communication Disorders Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Pictured, from left: Mohamed Fawzy, MD (former research fellow with us now at Dubai Hospital); Somaia Tawfik, MD, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Eqypt; Dr. Goebel; Hussain Abdul Rahman, MD, congress president; and Tarik Ghanoum, MD, Cairo University .
Heather Grantham, PhD
Course Instructor and Lecturer. Neurotology Fellows Bootcamp (national course). Salt Lake City, UT.
Ryan Jackson, MD
American Head and Neck Society Fellows’ training course for robotic surgery. Course director. Atlanta, GA
David Leonard, MB, BCh, BAO
RCSI Boston Children’s/Harvard Pediatric ENT course – Pediatric Airway Management
Dublin, Ireland
Judith Lieu, MD
University of Southern California (USC)-Visiting Professor-Surviving and Thriving in the Academic Marathon
Jonathan McJunkin, MD
AAO-HNS Panel Presentation: “Surgeon versus Machine: Future of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in ENT.” Panelist/Presenter
“This talk was the most impactful from my point of view as I was able to discuss a novel approach to lateral skull base surgery and learn of new directions in this field from fellow panelists.”
Maithilee Menezes, MD
MOST 2019 PGY2 Bootcamp, SLU School of Medicine
“I think the biggest impact is during the MOST Bootcamp–teaching airway management, as well as tympanostomy tube placement, and difficult communications in general.”
David Molter, MD
Farber Disease Global Masterclass “Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Manifestations” in Vienna, Austria.
Allison Ogden, MD
5th International Salivary Gland Congress, Philadelphia, PA
Title of Talk: Sialendoscopy for Inflammatory Disorders: RAI, Sjogren’s Syndrome, JRP
“This talk has the most impact for me personally. This is an international meeting with the experts of salivary gland disease participating. I am honored and proud to be part of this cohort. In addition, I am one of few women on the speaker program. I feel it is important to be present and visible at this level.”
Patrik Pipkorn, MD
International update course in neck and maxillofacial surgery. Clinica San Pablo, Maxillofacial Surgery Society of Peru. Arequipa, Peru. Invited Faculty
Jay Piccirillo, MD
First and Second-Year Medical Students
Clinical Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Clinical Medicine
“This is the course with the greatest impact because it provides foundational knowledge in clinical research design, biostatistics, and critical thinking for all Wash U medical students.”
Lisa Potts, PhD, CCC-A
Electrophysiologic Measures for Cochlear Implants; online course for audiologists through the Institute for Cochlear Implant Training.
Jason Rich, MD
“Scalp reconstruction” at the Academy (AAO-HNS)
John S. Schneider, MD, MA
“Communicating Well in Medicine: Managing Our Cognition to Improve Meaning” 2019 American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA
Lavinia Sheets, PhD
Member of the thesis advisory committees for 3 graduate students (one at WashU, one at Mayo, and one at Harvard). One defended this past summer (Ed Hight, Harvard, Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology) and one is scheduled to defend this coming spring (Alaa Koleiat, Mayo, School of Biomedical Sciences—Clinical and Translational Science).
Mark Warchol, PhD
Core faculty member (and gave a ‘distinguished scholar lecture’) in the Biology of the Inner Ear course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Cameron Wick, MD
Course Instructor and Lecturer. Neurotology Fellows Bootcamp (national course). Salt Lake City, UT.
Jose Zevallos, MD, MPH, FACS
Visiting Professor, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Universidad Cayteno Heredia, Lima, Peru