The people of the Department of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery

faculty group photo

The Department of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery just celebrated the third year of publishing its monthly Under the Scope newsletter. In each issue, the department features people who are helping the department achieve its mission to improve patients’ lives by leading our advancing field. In these Q&As, our people reveal what they do at work […]

Advanced ear surgery technique restores hearing, attracts international patients

For more than 10 years, the mother of two had severe hearing loss. She couldn’t hear her children when they cried, fell, yelled or talked to her. “It was very depressing and devastating, as it limited my ability as a mother to take care of them,” remembers S. Mahasneh, who lives in Jordan, more than […]

Otolaryngology welcomes five new faculty members

The Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University is pleased to welcome five new faculty members, all alums. Whether it’s the Arch, the City Museum, toasted ravioli, or the high level of collaboration and exceptional research environment at WashU, we decided to find out what brought them back to St. Louis. Rajan Dang, MD MD: Icahn […]

ENT residents and faculty present at the annual Academy meeting

Congratulations to our residents and faculty members who presented at the annual American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery meeting this year! After a year of COVID-19, both in-person and virtual attendance options were offered for participation in the Academy’s 125th anniversary celebration. Our department’s 2021 Academy presentations included: Craig Buchman, MD, presenting, Oliver Adunka, […]

Q&A with Chief Resident Andrew Skillington

Andrew Skillington, MD, MSCI, is one of five chief residents in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University. Here he shares his plans for fellowship training and desires for an international stage for more personal interests. Why Washington University? I was drawn to WashU by their excellent surgical training and abundant research opportunities. I really […]

Q&A with Stacy Jansen

Long-time nurse and senior director of clinical operations for otolaryngology, Stacy Jansen shares what’s most exciting about her work here and the new love in her life. How long have you been at Washington University? In July, I celebrated 14 years with the Department of Otolaryngology. I was originally hired as nurse manager for the […]

New ENT clinic sites make care more accessible

Two major BJC HealthCare clinical sites with ENT services have opened recently, the Center for Advanced Medicine-South County (CAM-SC) and the Children’s Specialty Care Center – South County, making care more accessible for patients in South St. Louis County. The Center for Advanced Medicine – South County opened Sept. 8. ENT providers seeing patients at […]

Chief residents secure top fellowships

Four of the chief residents in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University have been selected for some of the most prestigious fellowship programs in the country. They are pursuing careers in otolaryngology surgical sub-specialties of neurotology and head and neck cancer. Almost 80 percent of WashU’s recent ENT graduates pursue fellowship training, compared to […]

And the winner is…

Washington University’s Department of Otolaryngology recently showed their Halloween spirit with a virtual costume contest. Faculty and staff voted for their favorite costume. Check out the creative entries below: And, the winners are: 1st Place, and winner of a $40 Target gift card: Emily Peck (Running nose) 2nd Place, and winner of a $25 Target […]

Pedal the Cause team raises $43K

ENT Pedal the Cause team

Cheers to our Pedal the Cause team for completing the big ride on Sept. 26 and for raising more than $43,000 to fund cancer research! The Department of Otolaryngology’s team Heads Up has raised more than $300,000 since the first Pedal the Cause event in 2011. This year’s 53-member team included faculty, residents, medical students, […]