Washington University leads in treatment of head and neck cancer

Ryan Jackson headshot with shield

You’ve just been diagnosed with cancer of the throat, tongue or tonsil. The news is particularly devastating because these cancers affect what most makes us human – our facial appearance, speech, eating, and swallowing. Naturally you start searching for the best care available near you. That will be much easier to find in a metropolitan […]

Successful evaluation of new cochlear implant design

Nucleus profile implant with slim modiolar electrode

The Cochlear Implant Center at Washington University School of Medicine was the primary investigator in a recently completed prospective multi-center trial evaluating a new cochlear implant electrode design called the Nucleus CI 532. This represents perhaps the most extensive prospective study of cochlear implant outcomes. The Nucleus 532 cochlear implant electrode is designed to allow […]

Innovative Sleep Surgery to Treat Apnea

In order to provide the best patient care possible, Assistant Professor Dr. Ryan S. Jackson is known to embrace innovation. For example, he is one of the top 10 busiest otolaryngology surgeons in the country using the da Vinci robotic system that facilitates complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach. Dr. Jackson is now embracing another form […]