A rare pediatric tumor brought together a multidisciplinary team of surgeons from Washington University School of Medicine that included specialists from Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology. In March 2022, Wiley Shannon was a typical ten year old, very much ready to turn 11 in another month. His mother Katie Shannon described him as creative and musical, […]
Author: Under the Scope
Match results are in!
Otolaryngology resident match results were announced March 15, and five outstanding medical school graduates will join the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine as our newest residents. The National Resident Matching Program uses a computerized mathematical algorithm to place each applicant with their preferred residency positions at programs that also prefer them. […]
Tissue banking: Bridging the gap between bench and bedside
Researchers in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine are taking greater advantage of tissue banking to help answer questions about human disease and treatment options – even questions they haven’t thought of yet. The progress of biomedical research is often hindered by the availability of research specimens. Imagine how slow that […]
Q&A with Clinical Audiologist Rachael Mangiore
Rachael Mangiore’s Sicilian heritage instilled strong family ties, so it’s no surprise she longed to return to her Washington University family. What is your current title and how long have you been with Oto? I am a clinical audiologist with the adult audiology team, and I have been with Washington University for almost five years […]
Hearing science on display at annual meeting
Basic scientists from the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University assembled in Anaheim, Calif., for the annual Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Feb. 3-7. The meeting is the largest gathering of hearing and balance scientists in the world. Efforts to advance our understanding of hearing and the disorders that affect […]
Yakusheva lab moves to the new Neuroscience Research Building
Assistant Professor Tatyana Yakusheva, PhD, and her team finally settled in their new research lab and work area in the new Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building (NRB), one of the world’s largest neuroscience research buildings. This 11-story building houses hundreds of scientists across the neuroscience research spectrum. The Yakusheva Lab was the first to […]
Residency applicant interviews return to in-person format
For the first time since 2020, applicants to the Washington University Otolaryngology residency program interviewed using an in-person format. Most of our applicants are not familiar with St. Louis and everything that our residency program and the WashU/BJC/SLCH consortium have to offer. For these applicants, the opportunity to meet with faculty, interact with current residents, […]
Q&A with Surgery Scheduler Amy Isom
Scheduler Amy Isom describes herself as a hopeless homebody who enjoys nothing more than sharing a good movie with her family…as long as the house is tidy! What is your current title and how long have you been with Oto? My title is pre-certification coordinator, but I primarily work as a surgery scheduler. I have […]
Roland organizes work group on allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
Washington University rhinologist Lauren Roland, MD, MSCI, helped organize a two-day meeting of the work group on Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AFRS), hosted by the National Institutes of Health Clinic Center, Dec. 7-8. The meeting featured 26 speakers and was sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services, the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy, and […]
CareOrbit launched to improve complex patient care
Washington University head and neck cancer specialist Jason Rich, MD, is now providing head and neck cancer patients a lighted pathway to understanding their care in an online resource known as CareOrbit. We’ve all experienced the frustration of trying to extract the truth from the mass of information we encounter using online search tools. Imagine […]