Jackie Pinkerton has served the Department of Otolaryngology for almost three decades. When she’s not taking care of patients, you might find her relaxing in the pool, enjoying a real crime show on television, or making her own sausage.
How long have you been with the Department of Otolaryngology?
My current title is clinical coordinator. I have been with Otolaryngology for 28 years and with Washington University a total of 30 years. Prior to that, I worked at St. Anthony’s Hospital as a nurse’s aide while I was in school.

What do you like most about your work here?
I like being able to help patients feel better and understand how to better manage their health issues. I have worked with our “dizzy patients” now for about 26 years.
What was your childhood like?
I have lived in St. Louis all my life. I was an only child until I was 10. Once I became a teenager, I had to start taking care of my brother and sister. My father worked nights and my mother worked evenings so I had to be there with them.
When I was 16 I started working at Central Hardware. I enjoyed working there but knew it was not something I wanted to do forever. I remember always wanting to be a nurse, so I got my CNA (certified nursing assistant) and started working at St. Anthony’s. I worked with a great nurse who taught me a lot and inspired me to do more.
What spare time activities bring you the most joy?
My favorite pastime is swimming in my pool. I love just floating around and relaxing, but I really enjoy having my kids, grand kids, and friends over to enjoy it with me. Those are good times!
I also like to watch real crime shows like Dateline, First 48, Dr. G. Medical Examiner, etc. I find it really interesting how they can figure out a crime with very little to go on.

Is there a special something at the top of your bucket list, and why?
I really want to go on a cruise to Alaska. I have seen some beautiful pictures from that region and know I would really enjoy it.
What would most surprise your colleagues to learn about you?
We butcher hogs every year. We also make our own pork sausage, bacon, polish sausage, brats, and deer sausage. It’s a lot of work, but we enjoy it and it is definitely cheaper than buying it all at the store. We also have a hog roast every year at our house.