ENT chief residents make next career decisions

Chief residents in the Washington University Department of Otolaryngology have made their next important career choices – what they will be doing post-residency. Avi Ettyreddy, MD, will enter a neurotology fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “I chose neurotology because I enjoy the combination of surgical and clinical management of patients with hearing […]

Q&A with Terri Nelson

Terri Nelson at her desk

What is your role in the Department of Otolaryngology and how long have you been here? I have worked at Washington University for 21 years, all of that time in the Department of Otolaryngology. My title is IBC Assistant II, which means I am an insurance billing/collections assistant. I have done charge entry in the […]

ENT researcher Angela Mazul strives to understand health disparities

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a greater impact on minority populations than others. Unfortunately, health disparities like this are not uncommon. Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology Angela Mazul, PhD, hopes to better understand why these disparities exist and how they can be resolved. Dr. Mazul’s research is focused on health disparities in head and neck cancer […]

Q&A with Tim Holden, staff scientist

Tim Holden reviews cochlear implant placement images.

We recently sat down with Staff Scientist Tim Holden to celebrate his 35-year service to the department and to find out how an engineer found his way to a fledgling cochlear implant program. According to Cochlear Implant Program Director Jill Firszt, PhD, Tim has had a significant impact on the WUSM CI program for more […]

Residency program team meets COVID challenges head on

Resiodentcoordinators packing gift boxes

The residency program team is in full action these days, preparing to engage and convince prospective applicants that our residency is the best place to be.  Those preparations include special activities never considered in  prior years, including video productions to share special aspects of the program and preparations to conduct all interviews online via Zoom. […]

Washington University ENT expands to serve North St. Louis County

Washington University Otolaryngology has expanded once again and will now see patients at Christian Hospital Northeast Medical Building in North St. Louis County. As of Nov. 1, the clinic space is fully owned by WashU ENT. The practice had been renting the space from BJC Medical Group since March 1. Christian Hospital is a full […]

Q&A with alumnus Marvin Fried, leader in academic medicine

WashU alumnus Marvin Fried MD with family

Marvin Fried, MD, is professor and university chairman, emeritus, at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine.  A New York native, Dr. Fried graduated from City College of New York where he received the prestigious New York City Jonas Salk Award and Scholarship. After earning his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine, Dr. […]

Ortmann named director of Audiology

Amanda J. Ortmann, PhD, has been named director of Adult Audiology in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. Ortmann will continue to serve as co-director of the Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences (PACS), which will further expand clinical collaborations and training opportunities in audiology for faculty, staff, and students. “We are very fortunate […]

Q&A with senior resident Rajan Dang

What attracted you to medicine and specifically to Washington University ENT? I went into medicine because I wanted to make a significant and positive impact in peoples’ lives while being pushed intellectually and technically. I felt ENT was a great fit for those goals, plus the surgeries are pretty cool! I specifically chose WashU because […]

COVID-19, losing one’s sense of smell and regaining it

Patient is treated for anosmia, or loss of sense of smell

With a sharp uptick in COVID-19 cases throughout the country, hospitals are seeing a steady increase in patients who have lost their sense of smell and taste. Anosmia is the temporary or permanent loss of the ability to detect one or more smells. Without the sense of smell, patients are unable to distinguish the differences […]