As they prepare for graduation on June 21, five chief residents in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine share their post-graduation plans, reflect on highlights of their training, and offer parting words of advice for their junior colleagues. Please join us in celebrating their successes and many contributions to the department and the field of otolaryngology.

Katherine Chang, MD
Next step
I will be entering a head and neck fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
Highlight of residency
The highlight of residency has been watching the evolution of my co-residents and myself throughout training. I am still in disbelief at the person I am today compared to who I was just five years ago. Having witnessed the immense surgical and personal growth of my peers has been extremely rewarding. Having the opportunity to mentor junior residents and witness their transformation always puts a smile on my face. It is the thing about residency I will miss the most.
Parting advice
Life passes by quickly – savor the moment and seize every opportunity. Residency is full of moments that will test you mentally, personally, and emotionally. In your hardest of moments, remember yourself as a 4th year medical student who would have done anything to match ENT. This is your dream and you have arrived!

Aisling Last, MD
Next step
I will be joining WashU as a comprehensive otolaryngologist in the Fall.
Highlight of residency
The highlight of my residency has been meeting, working with, and learning from some of the kindest and smartest people in our field.
Parting advice
Listen to your patients, and don’t dismiss a symptom just because it doesn’t fit neatly into a box. Listening is what fosters innovation and empathy.

Sampat Sindhar, MD, MSCI
Next step
I will be starting a position in comprehensive otolaryngology at Valley Medical Center in Renton, WA, an affiliate of University of Washington Medicine.
Highlight of residency
The highlight of my residency has been the people – my fellow residents, faculty and staff. There is something to learn from everyone!
Parting advice
The days can be slow, but the years go by fast. Work hard while you take the time to learn, but also enjoy this time with everyone who’s teaching you. You won’t have them watching over you in the future.

Ben Wahle, MD
Next step
I am heading to Indiana University for fellowship in Head and Neck Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery.
Highlight of residency
I really enjoyed being a senior resident. I love taking care of patients in the clinic, inpatient, and OR setting. Being able to do this with greater independence as residency progresses gives me a great feeling of accomplishment. I have also really enjoyed passing on what I’ve learned to the juniors.
Parting advice
I will always pick up the phone if you call me!

Nneoma Wamkpah, MD, MSCI
Next step
I will be starting a one-year facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellowship at the University of Michigan. I am excited for the opportunity to focus on mastering the functional and aesthetic surgical principles of the head and neck, while expanding my research interests, learning among a welcoming and supportive group of surgeons and surgeon-scientists.
Highlight of residency
I am incredibly lucky to have formed lifelong friendships in residency, highlighted by group vacations and experiences over the years.
Parting advice
My mentor in medical school told me to “let my goals/aspirations be my North Star.” This perspective has helped me compartmentalize ambitions into tasks and navigate through the ups and downs of the last seven years.