Clinical Nurse Coordinator Diane Athmer, RN, retired in August after nearly 20 years with the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine.

“Diane was a highly valued nurse coordinator with our head and neck cancer division,” says Stacia Jansen, RN, clinical operations manager for the Department of Otolaryngology. “Her commitment to patient care was remarkable; she was beloved by her patients. We admired Diane so much for her patience, skill, knowledge, and compassion when it came to caring for head and neck cancer patients.”
Diane was responsible for training most of the current head and neck nursing staff as well other nurse coordinators in the department. Even Dr. Doug Adkins and his nurse coordinator, Toni Rachoki, from medical oncology came up to say goodbye.
Diane had cultivated many close relationships with physicians and staff in both medical oncology and radiation oncology, who are our partners in the care of head and neck cancer patients. We will miss her!
Read our recent Q&A with Diane Athmer »