Tatyana A. Yakusheva, PhD
Assistant Professor
Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery
Mailing address
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
660 S. Euclid Ave.-Campus Box 8115
St. Louis, MO 63110
- Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia, MS Biology, 1997
- Russian University of People’s Friendship, Moscow, Russia, PhD Physiology, 2003
- 2010-2013 NIH Grant (R03 DC11142-01)
- 2001 – 2002 CRDF Fellowship (Civilian Research and Development Foundation)
- 2001 George Soros Foundation Award for Post-Graduate Student
- 2000 Visiting international post-graduate student, University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA
- 1999 Travel Fellowship for the 2nd Federation of European Physiological Societies Congress, Prague. June 29 – July 4
- 1999 Travel Fellowship for Workshop in the Technical University of Denmark under auspices of the Danish School in Nonlinear Science, Denmark
Selected publications
- Yakusheva T, Blazquez P, Angelaki D. (2010) Relationship between complex and simple spike activity in macaque caudal vermis during three-dimensional vestibular stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(24):8111-26.
- Angelaki DE, Yakusheva TA, Green AM, Dickman JD, Blazquez PM. (2010) Computation of egomotion in the macaque cerebellar vermis. Cerebellum ;9(2):174-82. Review.
- Sheng Liu, Tatyana Yakusheva, Gregory C. DeAngelis and Dora E. Angelaki (2010) Direction discrimination thresholds of vestibular and cerebellar nuclei neurons. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(2):439-48.
- Angelaki D.E., Yakusheva T.A. (2009) How Vestibular Neurons Solve the Tilt/Translation Ambiguity: Comparison of Brainstem, Cerebellum, and Thalamus Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1164 (1): 19-28.
- Yakusheva T, Blazquez P, Angelaki D. (2008) Frequency-selective coding of translation and tilt in macaque cerebellar nodulus and uvula Journal of Neuroscience. 2008 Oct 1;28 (40):9997-10009.
- Yakusheva TA, Shaikh AG, Green AM, Blazquez PM, Dickman JD, Angelaki DE (2007) Purkinje cells in posterior cerebellar vermis encode motion in an inertial reference frame. Neuron, 54:973-985.
- Neiman AB, Yakusheva TA, Russell DF (2007) Noise-induced transition to bursting in responses of paddlefish electroreceptor afferents. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98:2795-2806.
- Neiman AB, Russell DF, Yakusheva TA, DiLullo A, Tass PA (2007) Response clustering in transient stochastic synchronization and desynchronization of coupled neuronal bursters. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 76(2 Pt 1):021908.
- Freund JA, Schimansky_Geier L, Beisner B, Neiman A, Russell DF, Yakusheva T Moss F. (2002) Behavioral stochastic resonance: how the noise from a Daphnia swarm enhances individual prey capture by juvenile paddlefish. Journal of Theoretical Biology 214:1 71-83
- Freund JA, Kienert J, Schimansky_Geier L, Beisner B, Neiman A, Russell DF, Yakusheva T, Moss F (2001) Behavioral stochastic resonance: How a noisy army betrays its outpost. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 63:3 Pt 1 031910.
- Anishchenko VS, Igosheva NB, Pavlov AN, Khovanov A, Yakusheva TA (2001) Comparative analysis of methods for classifying the cardiovascular system’s states under stress. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 29:3 462-81.
- Anishchenko T, Igosheva N, Yakusheva T, Glushkovskaya_Semyachkina O, Khokhlova O. (2001) Normalized entropy applied to the analysis of interindividual and gender-related differences in the cardiovascular effects of stress. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 85:3-4 287-98.