Q&A with Clinical Audiologist Alison Brockmeyer

Washington University Clinical Audiologist Alison Brockmeyer offers a glimpse into exciting upcoming plans with her family. What is your current title, and how long have you been with Oto and WashU? I have been with the ENT department since 2010 and was hired as a Clinical Audiologist shortly after completing my Audiology Doctoral degree here […]

New animal model offers insights into CMV-induced hearing loss

Ten percent of newborns infected with cytomegalovirus suffer from hearing loss. Keiko Hirose, MD, in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University is trying to figure out why. CMV or cytomegalovirus is a common viral infection in humans. It typically goes unnoticed and is only likely to cause problems when it occurs in infants or […]

Clinical trial hopes to restore hearing for patients with vestibular schwannomas

Patients deafened from a vestibular schwannoma have very limited options to restore hearing in their affected ear. Researchers at Washington University hope to change that paradigm. In a new FDA-approved clinical trial, the lateral skull base team will evaluate  a new Auditory Nerve Testing System that may allow tumor removal with simultaneous cochlear implantation. Currently, […]