WashU Medicine Otolaryngology welcomes new residents

Otolaryngology resident match results were announced March 21, and five outstanding medical school graduates will join the Department of Otolaryngology at WashU Medicine as our newest residents. Applications were received from 285 prospective residents, and 67 interviews were granted. Those applicants were ranked by faculty and submitted to the national matching registry. The Department of […]

WashU Medicine surgeons give patient back his smile

photo of Eric Barbarite

Larry Sims was known for his big smile. But a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in his parotid gland – the largest of three salivary glands – would change that forever. Or, would it? A team of surgeons in the Department of Otolaryngology, led by facial plastic surgeon Eric Barbarite, MD, thought otherwise. The multidisciplinary […]

Annual Conference Supports Women in Otolaryngology

photo of planning committee and faculty

The Midwestern Women in Otolaryngology Symposium, hosted by WashU Medicine on March 10, met recently to address some of the unique challenges faced by women in medicine. The second annual meeting was held at the Eric P. Newman Education Center. Co-organizers Jennifer Brinkmeier, MD, and Nyssa Farrell, MD, were assisted by a planning committee of […]

Q&A with Assistant Professor Nedim Durakovic

WashU Medicine Director of Dizziness and Balance Center shares insight into his career and his favorite activities. What is your current title, and how long have you been with Oto and WashU? I am a neurotologist so I specialize in all disorders related to the ear. I finished my residency at WashU from 2012-2017 and […]

Q&A with Senior Clinical Research Coordinator Banan Ead

WashU Medicine Senior Clinical Research coordinator shares her passion for volunteering and love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What is your current title, and how long have you been with Oto and WashU? My current title is Senior Clinical Research Coordinator.  I’ve been with Oto since 2008, working as a Research Coordinator under the supervision […]

Treatment de-escalation reduces toxicity while maintaining cancer control

It has long been said that when it comes to cancer, “the treatment is worse than the disease.” At WashU Medicine, a multidisciplinary team of head and neck surgeons, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists is trying to change that. Treatment of head and neck cancers like squamous cell carcinomas, typically utilizes a multidisciplinary approach that […]

Can hearing loss predict Alzheimer’s disease?

brain MRI with audiogram overlaid

Surgeons and basic scientists in the Department of Otolaryngology at WashU Medicine have teamed up to demonstrate a novel connection between hearing and dementia. Recently published in the Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, their study of patients undergoing cochlear implantation revealed the presence of certain proteins commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) […]

Residents discover wealth of surgical expertise at WashUMed skull base course

Photo of participants at lateral skull base course

Mentored by leading neurotologists and neurosurgeons, WashU Medicine residents recently learned techniques to remove tumors from the lateral skull base. Working in the new, state-of-the art Multidisciplinary Surgical Simulation Lab in the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center, residents from WashU Medicine Departments of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery practiced surgical approaches to remove tumors affecting cranial nerves […]

Q&A with Clinical Audiologist Alison Brockmeyer

Washington University Clinical Audiologist Alison Brockmeyer offers a glimpse into exciting upcoming plans with her family. What is your current title, and how long have you been with Oto and WashU? I have been with the ENT department since 2010 and was hired as a Clinical Audiologist shortly after completing my Audiology Doctoral degree here […]

Voice and Airway group gets robotic assistance for laryngeal surgery

photo of surgeon at robotics consol

WashU Medicine laryngologist Bharat Panuganti, MD, is expanding the surgical options available to his specialty. The adaption – transoral robotic surgery or TORS – is not new but is rarely used for laryngeal procedures due to the lack of instruments suitable for the size of the larynx. Panuganti recently used the technique on a patient […]