Spector Lectureship adds research symposium

photo of Hayes presenting at Spector Lectureship

The Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University celebrated the 5th annual Spector Lectureship in the Biology of Cancer on April 20. Invited guest speaker Neil Hayes, MD, presented a summary and new thoughts on the roles of cisplatin and HPV in head and neck cancer. The Spector Lectureship celebrates the career of Gershon Spector, MD, […]

Q&A with Director, Cochlear Implant Program Jill Firszt

photo of the Firszt family

The Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine boasts one of the busiest cochlear implant (CI) centers in the country. Last year the program implanted 246 patients, using the latest technology and guided by decades of advanced research efforts to optimize both surgical and implant programming procedures. Professor of Otolaryngology Jill Firszt, PhD, […]

Faculty and residents present at Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings

Photos of doctors at 2022 COSM

Faculty and residents from the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine shared advancements in research and patient care at the recent Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM) in Dallas, April 27-May 1. Of special note: The mission of COSM is to bring together the membership of the nine COSM societies, otolaryngology residents in […]

Q&A with Ogura Lecturer Amber Luong

Amber U. Luong, MD, PhD, was three years old when she and her family fled Vietnam by boat. It was April 29, 1975, the day before the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese Army. The fact that she and her family were among the hundreds of thousands of boat people who […]

Faculty awarded $1.3M for head and neck cancer research

photo of Paul Zolkind at the microscope

Head and neck cancer researchers in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University School of Medicine have recently attracted $1.3 million in new funding to support their groundbreaking research. The Division of Head and Neck Surgery is rapidly becoming a global force in many areas of cancer research, including HPV, genomics, diagnosis, outcomes disparities, and […]

Q&A with Clinical Speech Pathologist Megan Radder

photo of Radder family

Clinical Speech Pathologist Megan Radder finds her career a perfect way to combine her interests  in medicine and music. She celebrates voice every day by assisting patients in the Voice and Airway Center at Washington University School of Medicine. How long have you been working for WashU ENT? I started working in Oto in 2014 […]

Washington University advances audiology at Academy

photo of Susan Rathgeb and Allison Schwed

Washington University helped to advance the field of audiology through their participation at the American Academy of Audiology’s Annual meeting, held in St. Louis on March 30 and April 1. Contributions included posters and oral presentations from faculty, staff and students representing the Department of Otolaryngology, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and the Program in Audiology […]

Register for Pedal the Cause

ENT Pedal the Cause team

Have fun and support a great cause by joining our team at this year’s Pedal the Cause Sept. 23-25. Select our department’s team Heads Up and register by May 1 to take advantage of the lower registration rate. Pedal the Cause provides a great way to come together as a department and help our community. […]

Cochlear implants turn ‘hearing back on’ for patients with single-sided deafness

photo of young woman with cochlear implant

Washington University School of Medicine experts have long been at the forefront of improving hearing for individuals with single-sided deafness (SSD). Now, with improvements in cochlear implant technology and recent FDA approvals for cochlear implants for those with single-sided deafness, Washington University’s Department of Otolaryngology is poised to treat even more patients with SSD while […]

Research identifies novel approach to control cancer

Major Lab cancer research team

Ben Major, PhD, is professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, professor of Otolaryngology and the Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. His groundbreaking cancer research is leading to a greater understanding of the factors that control a variety of […]