Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences celebrates graduates

photo of PACS graduates

Washington University’s top ranked Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences awarded 12 Doctor of Audiology degrees and 13 Master of Science in Deaf Education degrees this year. Audiology and deaf education graduates walked in a combined in-person ceremony for the School of Medicine on May 21. The program also celebrated the graduation of 11 undergraduate […]

WashU lab finds clues to restoring hearing loss in rare Alport Syndrome

Michael Anne Gratton, PhD, and her lab are using a mouse model to explore how Alport Syndrome, a rare genetic condition, causes hearing loss. Recent findings have highlighted the mechanisms underlying Alport symptoms and identified therapeutic interventions that may prevent kidney dysunction and hearing loss in these patients. Alport Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder […]

New technology expands use of transoral robotic surgery (TORS)

The use of robotic-assisted surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University has increased steadily over the past few years, and recent advances in the DaVinci robotics platform should promote even greater usage. Surgeons value the technology for its ability to facilitate difficult surgery through high-resolution 3D visualization, tremor filtration, motion scaling, and a […]

Q&A with Fellow C. Burton Wood

What is your role in the Department of Otolaryngology? I am the current clinical fellow in the specialty area of  head and neck surgical oncology and microvascular reconstruction. What most attracted you to a fellowship at Washington University? I was most attracted to WashU by the volume of cases done here and more importantly the […]

Q&A with Staff Scientist Grady Phillips

What is your title and role in the Department of Otolaryngology? My title is staff scientist, and I specialize in electron microscopy imaging. I worked at WashU for 30 years before moving over to SLU for a few years. Now I’m back. My earlier work here was at the Cancer Research Center, working on viruses, […]

Q&A with alumnus Ellis Arjmand

The inaugural surgeon-in-chief at Children’s Hospital New Orleans, Ellis Arjmand, MD, PhD, MMM will be the guest speaker for the annual Ogura Lectureship and Resident Research Day, held by the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University. Arjmand completed his otolaryngology residency in 1993 and fellowship in pediatric otolaryngology in 1994 at Washington University and St. […]

Otolaryngology residents test their microvascular skills

phgoto of residents in the simulation lab

A group of otolaryngology residents recently got to try their hands at reconstructing blood vessels, also known as microvascular anastomosis, in the surgical simulation lab. Reconnecting cut or severed blood vessels is one of the most challenging surgical skills to acquire — the repaired vessel has to remain patent (open), but not leak.  The course […]

Q&A with Research Specialist Angie Schrader

What is your role in the department? I am a research specialist in the Department of Otolaryngology. I manage Mark Warchol’s lab, and I also work for Lavinia Sheets. How long have you been at WashU? I have been here since April, 2003. I actually started as a research technician at Central Institute for the […]

Q&A with Fellow Andrea Hanick

What is your role in the department? I am currently a fellow in the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. I work with Drs. Greg Branham, John Chi, and Emily Spataro. What most attracted you to a fellowship at WashU? I was attracted to this fellowship because of the diverse range of surgical exposure […]

Resident gatherings transition to hybrid format

photo of resident gathering

More than a year after restrictions were put into place to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, things are starting to get back to normal for otolaryngology residents. Last month, resident meetings and core curriculum sessions started to transition from purely virtual events to a hybrid format – a mix of in-person and virtual components. Director of […]