ARO Midwinter Meeting succeeds in virtual format

The lingering COVID pandemic forced the largest meeting of hearing scientists worldwide to adopt a completely virtual format. The Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) had to move quickly to accomplish the feat which was viewed as very successful by participants. ARO Past-President Keiko Hirose, MD, recently hosted a panel of otolaryngology researchers to discuss […]

Shew receives award to study benefits of cochlear implants using AI

Neurotology Fellow Matthew Shew, MD, was recently named one of four recipients of the Dean’s Scholars Award from the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Shew’s research efforts are focused on optimizing the benefits of cochlear implants by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.  The Dean’s Scholars program supports outstanding […]

Otolaryngology researchers prepare for first virtual ARO Meeting

Researchers preview poster session virtually

The hearing science community is tackling the COVID-19 pandemic like everyone else – going virtual. But, that’s no easy task for the Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), which has attracted more than 1,200 attendees in recent years.  To allow greater participation in online activities, poster sessions will open almost two […]

ENT researcher works to optimize benefits of cochlear implants in children

Nearly all parents of children born with severe-to-profound bilateral hearing loss want their child to develop spoken language and literacy skills commensurate with those of their peers with healthy hearing.  This is important for social and academic development. Lisa Davidson, PhD, and her lab are determined to help optimize the benefits of cochlear implants (CIs) […]

New hearing test may offer early diagnosis of Meniere’s disease

Jeff Lichtenhan, PhD, likes to know where and how things originate. That includes things like physiological responses of the auditory system – subtle sound or electrical signals that indicate auditory activity. Some of these signals have been used for decades to help diagnose hearing disorders, but in most cases we don’t fully understand their biological […]

Virtual neurotology journal club

With COVID-19, things have clearly changed.  Drs. J. Thomas Roland, Craig Buchman, and Jacques Herzog collaborate on a national level with various research endeavors and proposed a joint NYU – Wash U journal club.  A joint journal club was an incredible opportunity to get opinions and new insights from leaders in our field.  From NYU […]

Augmented reality to improve surgical procedures

Some of the biggest medical advances of the last few decades have been in diagnostic imaging, but how those images are viewed is pretty much the same as it was in 1950 – visual data displayed on a 2D flat screen. Augmented reality (AR), technology that superimposes digital information onto the physical world, has the […]

Scavenger cells help guide development and repair of the inner ear

For more than 30 years, Mark Warchol, PhD, been interested in the development and repair of sensory hair cells of the auditory and vestibular systems, crucial to hearing and balance. That search has led the Warchol lab to identify an unlikely contributor to these processes – scavenger cells known to clean up debris from cell […]

Ohlemiller lab partners with startup to help patients with hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss in humans, caused by degeneration of the sensory hair cells of the inner ear, is not a recoverable injury. Mammalian hair cells do not regenerate like many other cell types. A collaboration between Kevin Ohlemiller, PhD, and a private biotech company hopes to change that. In 2015, a new start-up, Frequency Therapeutics, […]