Clinical trial restores hearing for acoustic neuroma patients

In a unique clinical trial, five acoustic neuroma patients have received cochlear implants at the time of their tumor removal. Early results are very encouraging. Four of five patients have had their implants activated. Three of these have achieved sound awareness and more importantly demonstrated increased performance in word and sentence recognition tests compared to […]

Shew receives award to study benefits of cochlear implants using AI

Neurotology Fellow Matthew Shew, MD, was recently named one of four recipients of the Dean’s Scholars Award from the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Shew’s research efforts are focused on optimizing the benefits of cochlear implants by using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.  The Dean’s Scholars program supports outstanding […]

Q&A with Chief Resident Avi Ettyreddy

What attracted you to medicine and specifically to ENT?   My interest in medicine started at a fairly young age. Both of my parents work in the biomedical industry, so I was exposed to medicine and science growing up.  As I went through high school and college, I worked with mentors in the field of hematology […]

Otolaryngology researchers prepare for first virtual ARO Meeting

Researchers preview poster session virtually

The hearing science community is tackling the COVID-19 pandemic like everyone else – going virtual. But, that’s no easy task for the Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), which has attracted more than 1,200 attendees in recent years.  To allow greater participation in online activities, poster sessions will open almost two […]

Researchers seek to correct COVID-19-related loss of smell

Loss of smell, also known as anosmia, is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. The Clinical Outcomes Research Office led by Washington University Professor of Otolaryngology Jay Piccirillo, MD, and Assistant Professor Dorina Kallogjeri, MD, has been conducting olfactory research for the past four years. The lab has investigated several treatments for persistent […]

Q&A with Patient Billing/Services Rep II Tom Clement

What is your current position in the department?  My title is patient billing/services rep in the Division of Adult Audiology at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital. I work primarily as an administrative assistant, but I will do whatever a patient needs me to do for them.  How long have you been with Washington University and with […]

Pioneering surgeons teach residents advanced skull base techniques

photo of TONES lab participants

Surgeons who have pioneered some of today’s most advanced skull base surgical techniques trained Washington University School of Medicine neurosurgery and otolaryngology residents. During the two-day training session, Washington University neurosurgery, otolaryngology and opthalmalogy faculty were joined by two prominent leaders in their fields: Kris S. Moe, MD, chief of University of Washington Facial Plastics […]

Head and neck division sees development of endocrine specialty

photo of head and neck surgery

Jose Zevallos, MD, division chief of Head and Neck Surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology at Washington University has developed a new niche in his head and neck practice –  endocrine surgery. He is now among the busiest thyroid and parathyroid surgeons in the region, doing several cases each week between Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Christian […]

Audiology team adapts to changes

photo of audiologist and patient

The adult audiology division at the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM) is nothing if not resilient. They are adjusting to life with COVID restrictions and welcoming new leadership. The team includes Judy Peterein, Alison Brockmeyer, Adam Voss, Cathryn Collopy, and new Director of Adult Audiology Amanda Ortmann, PhD. All share in routine patient testing, but […]

ENT researcher works to optimize benefits of cochlear implants in children

Nearly all parents of children born with severe-to-profound bilateral hearing loss want their child to develop spoken language and literacy skills commensurate with those of their peers with healthy hearing.  This is important for social and academic development. Lisa Davidson, PhD, and her lab are determined to help optimize the benefits of cochlear implants (CIs) […]